March 3, 2017

The Power of a Pitch

By: Megan O’Neal

It’s not often you can say you’ve changed the world, but in public relations, we are lucky enough to experience the heartwarming feeling of transforming someone’s world on a regular basis. Through media relations, we amplify our clients’ voices to connect them with their customers, and this often changes more lives than you think! Take socially conscious accessories brand Songa Designs for example; sharing Songa’s message with the world allows consumers to use their fashion choices to empower a new generation of women across the globe. Talk about a ripple effect of positivity! Shining this light is a lot of power to behold, and it all stems from one tool: the media pitch.

There’s a lot of debate in the industry on how to pitch the media, but across the board, professionals still pay their respects to these powerful agents of change. Personally, I think pitches should be renamed inspiration catalysts, because that’s how our team views them. At Olive, we align with positively powerful brands that have quite compelling things to say— it’s not unheard of to be moved to tears by a client’s story. Our clients inspire us, and we in turn use their message to inspire the media. I imagine our pitches more like electronic messages in a bottle, filled to the brim with an authenticity that can only come from brands that walk the talk. Pitching at Olive is about sharing a story the world needs to experience, and illuminating our clients’ efforts to make a positive impact on their world. Because that’s where the magic happens.

When crafted with genuine and positive intention, pitches have the ability to build so much more than a story – they build brand awareness, build relationships, build trust, build confidence in the business owner who sees their company soar… trust me, I could keep going. THAT’S the power of a pitch, and wow is it beautiful.
